Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And so it starts

     OK everyone, hold on tight, Stevo has just entered the blogosphere!  I have taken the plunge and will be delighting you with events and food and travels around the Pacific Northwest in general and the Puget Sound specifically.  On occasion I will also be intent on annoying you and quite possibly angering you.  OK, probably not anger.

     As many of you know, I have taken to cooking lately and have become a bit of a foodie.  I have begun taking a delectable journey into the world of food both from my kitchen as well as the "professionals."  Kieko and I are always on the look out for a great restaurant or a great meal; and we have discovered many.  The Pacific Northwest is a food lovers paradise.  Well, It's my paradise anyway.

     There is of course more to life than food, although I can't think of many right off hand.  Traveling around the Sound and the Northwest is amazing as well.  Mount Rainier is one of my favorite places in the entire world.  The sheer grandeur of the place is awesome!

     So be patient with me in the beginning as I am a blog virgin so please be gentle and then I will take you there.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting!! LOVE it! Can't wait for you to post more! :)
